This is a NON OFFICIAL WEB of Abaco Bar in Palma, it is only done in aim to admire this property. And has no relation with the ownership or management of the bar.

This is the oficial web of Abaco
MALLORCA - Abaco, sala de entrada
Abaco is one of the most interesting bars in Palma.
MALLORCA - Abaco, kitchen
Abaco is a historic house that can be visited at night and recreates how an old mallorcan house was in the past, in this picture we can see the kitchen. In abaco there is no restaurant.
MALLORCA - Abaco, salita
This room in Abaco recreates a typical sitting room of noble house in Mallorca

MALLORCA - Abaco, garden

The best part of abaco is the garden, is where the guest take a drink, drinks that are really pricey, but worth the price to stay in Abaco